Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get a Voki now!

It's scorching outside. One of those days that makes you happy you have air conditioning. Oh! I’m getting ahead of myself. My name is Pi, short for Piscine. I grew up in a small town in India. My interest in Zoology started out when my father started a zoo with millions upon millions of animals. I would spend hours there reading the description of each animal. My brother, Ravi, would spend his time fooling me into thinking wild stories as a child. I grew up as a Hindu. However, once I turned the age of 14 I discovered Catholic faith from a priest by the name of Father Martin. My name, if you haven’t noticed all ready, is quite interesting. I was named after a pool and was mocked for it for quite a while. This pool, in France, was so great when my Uncle visited. He would tell me stories of how clean the water was. So clean you could make your morning coffee from it. It had everything. And as I was born, my Uncle demanded my name become Piscine. After Piscine Molitor. I take a deep interest in Zoology. I have studied it for many years and now accompany my fellow Scientist on expeditions to enrich out minds in the study of animals. I look forward to keeping entries in this journal of events that may come across in my path. Until then, goodbye.

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